If we want to know the importance of exercise in human health, we will see that it shows the beneficial effects of sports activities in the prevention – treatment and control of many cardiovascular and respiratory failures today, when life is more and more important.
Here, it is not bad to mention the statistics of people suffering from heart diseases and heart attacks, which kills a large number of people every year. According to the latest research conducted in Iran, the death rate of heart diseases is the highest.
Health and physical ability are divine blessings. Humans always want health and vitality. The happiness of every human being depends on the strength of his body and soul.
Sports goals:
1- Health and wellness goals:
- Providing health and hygiene of the body against diseases
· Providing conditions and strengthening the body
· Rebuilding the body in order to eliminate physical defects and increase its efficiency
2- Educational and moral goals:
Cultivating the psyche and creating a basis for personality independence
Growing positive desires
Refraining from accepting toxic thoughts and opinions and guiding others.
3- Psychological and social goals:
- Strengthening the psyche and overcoming bad habits
· Eliminating complications such as worry – fear and withdrawal
· Creating a sense of healthy competition.
Achieving freshness and vitality
The role of exercise and physical education in mental health:
Because the body and mind have a deep connection with each other and the health disorder in each of these endangers the health of the other. Today, unfortunately, it seems that the type of people, especially in big and industrial cities, has distanced them from their natural needs and thus prepares the ground for mental illnesses. Mental and physical health are not optimal.
In case of neglecting the prevention and treatment of mental diseases, this disease and many other diseases become chronic and persistent and will forever cause problems in people’s social life. Experts and the World Health Organization have announced that in order to solve Mental disorders should be treated with exercise as well. In this way, it seems that the regular participation of people in physical activities and sports, while preventing physical and mental diseases, provides a good basis for increasing the quality of human life.
Exercise is a factor of self-belief – strengthening the will and the feeling of success and cheerfulness, and it seeks emotional relief, avoiding isolation and increasing self-esteem.
Exercise brings a person out of a state of indifference and depression and makes him cheerful and hopeful.
The role of sports in leisure time:
Most sociologists are of the opinion that in the conditions of a mechanical life, sports can be considered as a good means to provide physical and mental renewal and vitality of people. At the end of adolescence, people should be encouraged to have healthy recreation and sports.
Families that include sports in their children’s free time will lead their personalities in the path of perfection.
The role of exercise in preventing physical and mental diseases:
We always wish to stay healthy and live a long life. Unfortunately, this wish is sometimes not fulfilled due to lack of hygiene. There are reasons to believe that if we take good care of our body and mind. You can have a long life. Biologists believe that humans and other animals should live for a period of time, about 5 times the years it takes for their physical development.
Most physical disabilities and mental pressures cause premature aging and possibly death. The secret of a healthy life and a long life should be found in habits and behaviors such as exercise, proper diet, and stress reduction.
Health and vitality of people depend on movement and vitality. After physical activity, a substance called morphine is secreted in the brain, which causes vitality and cheerfulness.
Prevention is always better than treatment. Our inactivity always causes sickness and boredom. Wind prevents osteoporosis.
Exercise increases the strength of the muscles. In the spine, the weakness of the abdominal muscles will cause compression of the vertebrae on the discs. Exercise increases blood flow in the organs and thus prevents heart attacks. Participating in sports activities gives a person a sense of responsibility and courage.